Swaroop King

Swaroop King
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Friday, 23 November 2012


My friends who follow my reviews in my blog always have a compliant against me. They say that I watch movies in a hollywood hangover, and hence I do not appreciate any telugu film. "You can't compare every movie with GODFATHER and DARK KNIGHT. "  they say. So the point is that I have to review a telugu film, within the standards of this industry. Let's try.

Andhakasura is the lone survivor from the clan of Rakshasas, who is burning with vengeance towards the 'Devathas" who made them extinct. He is waiting for an opportune moment to come back and gain control over the "Pancha bhootas". Anushka is the child who is born with the blessings of Parvathi devi, but the astrologers foresee a potential danger from evil forces to her in future. Nagarjuna is the chosen one who is born to save the world. He is a born devotee of Lord Shiva but turns a cold hater afterwards when his family is brutally killed by a monster and he doesnt see Shiva to come to the rescue. As the time is ripe for Andhaka's end, Shiva manifests in human form and comes to live with Nagarjuna. I wont spoil the fun for you if you want to watch the movie. The rest of the movie is about the game between Andhaka and Shiva but through Nagarjuna.

The above story sounds fascinating enough to transport you into a world of fantasy and wild imagination, and also provides a strong platform for the director to carve out solid and connecting characterisations and delve deeper into philosophical zones. This is more than an opportunity. A devotee turning into a hater and the God coming down to help him are themselves the points that can be a subject for an emotional experience. But sadly they are left unexplored. In the begining of the movie, when the voiceover and visuals show the end of the Rakshasa era, we identify the point behind the villan's burning longing for vengeance. But that is not taken to the next level, as we never get to see what he wants to do by gaining control over the five forces of nature. He just looks like another character who has his own set of plans.

The major flaw is the screenplay. After the tone of the story is set and we all are ready for thrills, the director throws comedy tracks at us, that do nothing better than watering down the pace. There the film had its first speed breaker. And then it struggles a lot to pick up again. Nagarjuna's  smiles, dialogues and fights ooze their magic, but that works only when backed by a  tighter screenplay. He is made doing the same thing many times that has made the editor's work harder. Till the interval block, the emphasis is on the bonds formed between Nagarjuna Anushka and Prakash Raj. Among these, Nagarjuna and Prakash raj's track tempts you to expect that their contrasting views on God and his purpose will provide a sub plot, but will disappoint you. We all know that at some point, Nagarjuna will realise that the person behind his family's tragic death is not Shiva. But that realisation is placed at the climax, and it comes as a part of a song. This is just a plot device to lead Nagarjuna to the climax fight but doesnt have the required philosophical depth it required. You may argue with me that this kind of fantasy flicks do not need to show spiritual realisations, but by merely knowing that Andhaka is the person who killed his family cannot turn Nagarjuna into a devotee. It is enough to turn him against the villan. But to re-turn Nagarjuna towards Shiva, a bigger answer is necessary that explains why all this family tragedy and his turning away from Shiva helped the bigger scheme of things, and how they all fit into an essential and purposeful destiny. Thats why when Shiva heals the hero's sister, you dont feel anything and will wonder why he didnt do that till then. Ofcourse that would have made this into a great film but those  untouched doesnt leave this as a bad film either. The only disappointment is that in stead of wasting a lot of time on useless comedy tracks, the film should have bent towards this.

"Dear Swaroop, This is just a popcorn movie. You are complaining too much" may be your answer. But if you come out of the theatre feeling that something is missing, this is it.

And the computer graphics. Much has been said about them, but they are just okay. Especially the climax fight reminds you of video games. When Jeeva says to Andhakasura "You won the first level" you wish there were Vithalacharya kind of obstacles in hero's way to the villan so that it could be fun watch him rise and fall through his way. But you are too much of a customer. The climax is all about a fight and head slicing. Thats it.

And Nagarjuna is fabulous. His perfect body, his smiles, dialogues, walking style, his chemistry with Anushka are top notch. You can watch this just for him.